October 31, 2018

Was This Trump’s Attempt at His Own Reichstag Fire? (Updated 2/8 2019)

The repeated comparisons of Donald Trump with Adolph Hitler have become more than tiresome, I know. But this most recent thing with the so-called “caravan” begs some thoughtful dissection.

According to ex-wife Ivana, Trump kept a book of Hitler’s speeches by his bed, and we know that he at least possessed a copy of the book; My New Order. He confessed to a reporter, that a friend, Marty Davis from Paramount gave him the book. Although Trump told the reporter, Marie Brenner, that Davis gave him a copy of Mein Kampf. Davis later said the book was My New Order. Regardless of which book, if not both books, it’s clear that The Donald was familiar with Der Fuhrer’s history.

A large part of said history was the incident history knows as “The Reichstag Fire” Although Hitler secured the Chancellorship after the elections of 1932, his Nazi Party had not won a majority. He petitioned for, and was granted Cabinet consent to hold new elections in March of 1933.

On February 27, 1933 a massive fire broke out at the seat of government, the Reichstag in Berlin. Hermann Göring, Reichstag president and Hitler’s chief minister, conducted an investigation which laid blame for the fire on communists. It is widely believed that the fire was actually set by Nazi party members. 

The day following the blaze, Hitler’s dictatorship was begun with a decree for “the protection of the people and the state”. The constitution was suspended, and the dictatorship was sanctioned when all legislative powers were transferred to the Reich Cabinet on March 23 by a vote of 444 to 94.

Did Donald learn something from all of this?

Let’s consider the “Caravan” now heading Northward from Honduras to the United States.
Supposedly, an ex-politician and current radio host named Bartolo Fuentes claims he started it all when he tried to help a few dozen migrants band together to travel north with some safety in numbers. Bu t things got out of control when a much viewed Honduran TV news channel reported that Fuentes was willing to pay the costs for anyone making the journey. Fuentes denies that he ever made such an offer.

Here’s the part where I don my custom fitted, Made in USA Tinfoil Hat® and wander off into Conspiracy Theory land!

This band of refugees is just the ticket to fire up the Republican base just before the elections. Scary brown people heading for our southern border with the added threat of unknown numbers of “Middle Easterners” possibly in their midst is exactly what the President needs to get not just his loyal base, but right leaning voters in general to the polls on November 6th. Even undecided voters who might dislike Trump himself, will get out to elect the party that they perceive as being tough on immigration.

Even more Tinfoil Hat® stuff: Is the Dear Leader and his cabal thinking of taking this "crisis" to its ultimate? He's already dispatched thousands of troops to the border, will he move to circumvent Posse Comitatus, the law that prohibits the military from taking action within the Continental United States? If things escalate, does he think he can declare Martial Law? Perhaps suspend the election? He's already threatened that he will not recognize an unfavorable election if he loses.

It really doesn’t take too much of a leap of imagination to wonder if certain deep-pocketed individuals, if not Trump himself, did not see to it that our Sr. Fuentes used his radio show to broadcast the plan to band the migrants together. One certainly wonders if the TV channel was mistaken when they claimed that their costs would be paid. 

The United States created the crisis In Honduras by subverting their election. Although that is a topic for another time, we do need to bear some responsibility for these poor people needing to escape their home country in the first place. And whether or not the current Administration was the stimulus behind the exodus, we should not allow them to use these refugees to achieve political positioning.

Now to the present, February 2019. When I first wrote this back in October 2018, it just seemed a little curious. A new report, apparently from Senator Jeff Merkely's office, now shows that some people in the White House were drafting plans to cause a crisis at the border over a year ago! Even to the details of how the children were to be handled in order to make an example that would discourage further asylum-seekers from trying to enter the United States.

Which of course begs the question: "How did they know there was to be a caravan arriving at the border a year before it happened?"

This new report even more strongly suggests coordination with someone in Trump's circle, if not the Dear Leader himself. Luckily, (if I could use the term for this horror show) the resident of the Oval Office was too bloody incompetent and likely whoever was in charge of the operation was either fired or left in disgust before they could manipulate the event properly. Makes one wonder if someone like Steve Bannon or Sebastian Gorka were still on the staff if things could have been manipulated differently. Either one of them would be both clever enough and devious enough to have created such a scheme.

We may have dodged a bullet.

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