February 7, 2019


You just know without going any further what to expect when you see "Patriot" as part of a person's online moniker. "Patriot Nurse" doesn't disappoint!

As this lady claims to be a nurse, she has to have some knowledge of what's involved in even the consideration of a late term abortion. I am not a medical professional and I know at least enough of the requirements to know she's not just lying, but being deliberately provocative. What stands out in this video however, is the implacable hatred and fear that she displays towards the "Left". The blanket demonization of those she clearly regards as the enemy.

I often wonder what is behind some otherwise reasonable and even progressive people's refusal to even consider voting for an otherwise perfectly acceptable Democrat candidate, and worse, fill out their ballots with GOP politicians. This is why. To some degree, they share this view of progressives.


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